Claudie Lemoine MASSAGE THERAPY | ARTWORK Wed, 05 Mar 2025 14:28:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Claudie Lemoine 32 32 The Magic of Organic Yogurt Fri, 28 Feb 2025 12:51:40 +0000 “Organic yogurt is made by the bacterial fermentation of dairy milk and though it is not the strongest food rich in Lactobacillus bacteria, it is still very valuable. Yogurt culture is used to ferment lactose, the natural sugar found in milk. Best of all, the product is packed with numerous benefits.”

You can eat yogurt every day and it is advised to consume plain or Greek yogurt. This form of yogurt is rich in essential nutrients like calcium, zinc, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The probiotics found in yogurt help to reduce bowel inflammation, improve nutrient absorption, aid in digestion and boost bone health.

Live probiotics in plain yogurt help women to maintain a healthy vaginal environment. Yogurt also contains the Lactobacillus bacteria that assist in the fight against yeast and fungal infections.

Lactic acid in yogurt benefits exfoliation of the skin, softens dark spots, helps with acne, fine lines and wrinkles. Yogurt is a natural, inexpensive skincare remedy packed with anti-ageing nutrients. It’s also rich in antioxidants and nutrients like vitamin B12 and riboflavin.

Yogurt helps fight free radical damage that leads to premature ageing. It promotes collagen production, making the skin youthful, plump and firm.

Source: NetMeds

Health Benefits Of Onions For Ladies Wed, 29 Jan 2025 19:34:31 +0000 “Common Onion bulbs are probably one of the most cultivated plants on earth. Records found in ancient Middle East show that humans were cultivating onions 7,000 years ago.”

Health benefits for women include bone, skin and heart health. Onions are rich in vitamins and minerals that are important for cell growth, metabolism, and red blood cell production.

Woman who ate onions daily were found to have greater bone density, near or post menopause. Onions also lower the risk of getting certain cancers. Sulfur compounds in onions lower cholesterol levels and break down blood clots. Potassium in onions aid in lowering blood pressure. Onions contain quercetin and anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Onions have antibacterial compounds that fight off harmful bacteria. Onions help with gut health, blood sugar regulation and the respiratory system. Onions are rich in folate and vitamin B6. Vitamin C in onions also helps to regulate the immune system.

So Ladies (and men), for great health, grab some onions and fry them, boil them, steam them…..

Source: Onion Benefits

Aquatic Scene Mon, 20 Jan 2025 11:36:44 +0000 Massage For Lower Back Pain Thu, 02 Jan 2025 07:58:58 +0000 “Lower back pain can affect people of all ages, this is a common complaint at the doctor’s surgery. This condition can be very painful and may require therapy and a few days of bed rest.”

Lower back pain causes include:

  • Lifting and pushing heavy objects incorrectly
  • Twisting your spine while bearing weight
  • High impact sports injuries
  • Sudden bump on your lower back
  • Bad posture while sitting or standing

Massage improves blood circulation to your muscles and ligaments leading to a healthy supply of oxygen and nutrients to the affected area. This helps to reduce stiffness, relax muscles, gives extra mobility, and reduces pain.

A qualified massage therapist will give you the correct massage to provide you with substantial healing and pain relief for many lower back problems. When the correct muscles are targeted, the pain can be controlled at its source for quicker and lasting relief. Thus, paving the way to recovery.

Sources: Discover Massage Australia; Spine Health

The Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseeds Thu, 28 Nov 2024 18:16:17 +0000 “Flaxseeds are prebiotics: a plant-based medium that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. They are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid fiber”

Flaxseeds, also known as Linseeds, are cultivated as a food and fiber crop in locations of the world with mild climates. It is interesting that in 2022, France produced 75% of the world’s supply of flax.

Some health benefits from these tiny seeds include:

  • A healthy Digestive system;
  • Protection against blocked or narrowing arteries;
  • Boosts your immune system;
  • Prevents and reduces wind and bloating;
  • Lowers blood pressure and supports healthy skin;
  • Reduces inflammation, and improves cholesterol levels, just to mention a few.

Flaxseeds do not need to be soaked before use. Sprinkle and use in salads, pastas, breads, puddings, pizzas and much more. It can be fun to experiment and decorate your food with them. Always remember to drink lots of water to help your digestive system.

Source: Healthline

Dietary Tips For A Healthy Lymphatic System Thu, 31 Oct 2024 14:07:31 +0000 Did you know that changing your diet is one of the best things you can do to assist you in maintaining a healthy lymphatic system?

Your lymphatic system consists of vessels, nodes and fluid. Unwanted waste, chemicals, toxic matter and excess fluid can build up here, which leaves you feeling run down, bloated, having joint pain and poor circulation.

A nutritious diet will help to rid your body of poisons, so a great start would be to include some of the following items:

  • Cranberries, Raspberries and Blueberries
  • Cherries and Pomegranates
  • Watermelon, Lemons and Garlic
  • Leafy Greens, Beetroot and Turmeric
  • Seeds such as Flax seeds, Chia seeds, Hemp seed, and Pumpkin seeds.

The above items all contain properties that aid with clearing your lymphatic system. For personal nutritional advice and therapy, please feel free to consult me, Claudie.

Source: UnderStory Healing

Massage Therapy For Babies Sun, 29 Sep 2024 16:19:10 +0000 “As parents, our babies are one of our most cherished accomplishments in life. You will nurture, protect, guide and teach them to become the best individuals that they can be. From birth babies thrive on touch.”

Massage is excellent therapy to make your infant feel loved, safe, secure and cared for.

Infant massage stimulates babies’ brain functions, encourages muscle development, regulates their circulation, digestion, respiration, and oxygen flow to vital organs. Massage can help babies to flourish: physical touch is key to their sensory development and promotes a stronger immunity to disease.

Gentle baby massage can be done from any age. Your therapist will advise you to bring your baby for massage after their bath and to wait 45 minutes after feeding before starting the massage. Your therapist will know if any lotions are needed and may advise that powders should be avoided.

Massage can be beneficial to your infant, helping to calm the digestive and nervous system, relaxing muscles and helping them sleep better. Babies also need water to flush out any toxins after a massage. Be sure to ask your therapist if you have any questions.


Massage Treatment For Super Trigger Points Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:26:47 +0000 Super Trigger Points (STP’s) are tight areas in your muscle fibers and fascia that cause knots which restrict blood flow to an area resulting in extreme pain if untreated.

STP’s do not go away on their own. If rested or treated they stop being painful, unless they are pressed on, but they will still be there and can become chronic.

STP’s could be from stress, anxiety, overuse and even from vitamin deficiencies. Common examples of symptoms are headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain and so on. Professional therapists agree that STP’s do exist and go beyond the “typical” trigger point reactions.

Massage treatment works to release STP’s by pushing fresh blood and oxygen into the area and flushing waste material out, bringing relief from pain.

If painful knots occur in your muscles, particularly those in the neck, shoulders, back, or leg, it’s best to consult your massage therapist for relief. Always remember to drink enough water after a massage as it helps to flush out toxins.

Source: Niel Asher Education

Massage For Treatment Of Frozen Shoulder Tue, 06 Aug 2024 08:52:51 +0000 Did you know, 60-70% of people will deal with a painful shoulder at some time? Research shows: firstly, not all people get a stiff shoulder; and secondly, people are more likely to get a frozen shoulder between the ages of 40 and 60. Exact causes are unknown.

Frozen shoulder (aka. adhesive capsulitis) causes pain, limiting shoulder movement. Frozen shoulder may be caused by overuse, a work or sports related injury, a surgery or a medical condition. The shoulder has a ball-and-socket joint, a collarbone (clavicle), an upper arm (humerus) and a shoulder blade (scapula). The muscles and tendons in the shoulder area become inflamed and very painful, restricting movement.

A deep tissue massage targets the affected shoulder and applies pressure to release tension within the affected area. The massage gently loosens sore and stiff muscles and tissues and brings soothing relief. Your therapist will also recommend light exercises to aid in your recovery. Always remember to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins released during the massage therapy session.


Deep Tissue Massage for Whiplash Thu, 04 Jul 2024 10:35:54 +0000 Whiplash, like the cracking of a whip, is a neck injury caused by vigorous, jerking back-and-forth motion of the neck. This is commonly caused by car crashes, sports accidents, falls, physical abuse and other types of traumas.

First, avoid lifting heavy articles, sports, or other strenuous activities that might strain or further injure your neck. Whiplash can cause pain for months or years after your initial injury.

Yes, a massage is probably the best thing you can do to recover from whiplash. Deep tissue massage for whiplash injury is used to target your specific injuries following your incident. Your therapist will assist to strengthen your neck muscles and stabilize the top of your neck.

Massage relieves chronic pain and gives relief from soreness and stiffness. Massage aims to relax muscle tension and helps the ligaments, tendons and muscles to heal faster.

You may want to locate a qualified therapist with the experience to use the right techniques for easing whiplash discomfort, allowing maximum benefit. Deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy can be beneficial for treating whiplash injuries. Consult your therapist for help.

Source: Healthline
