Category: Artwork

  • City Hats #1

    City Hats #1

    Oil on canvas

    25cm x 60cm

    City Hats #1 is the first in a series of three from my hat period; portrays three Spanish hats on a brown velvet blanket.

  • Lion’s Attention

    Lion’s Attention

    Oil on canvas

    26cm x 36cm

    After seeing a photo somewhere of a lion alert at night, it appealed to me to paint what I remembered of it.

  • Kaleidoscope of a South African Field

    Kaleidoscope of a South African Field

    Oil on canvas

    60cm x 76cm

    This idea came one night at midnight as a clear picture in a dream. The next day I painted it with quite some emotions as it spoke as life seemingly dead under the surface of the land yet coming back to the light and though now transparent yet magnifying its bygone colours on all the land.

  • Cape Town Dream

    Cape Town Dream

    Oil on canvas

    26cm x 36cm

    Cape Town is a city rich in cultures, arts and people and the richest after Brazil in its vegetation. This painting is in honour of its colours.

  • Feet Feast

    Feet Feast

    Oil on canvas

    30cm x 30cm

    The contrasting colours of orange and blue in my palette spoke of the heat and the coolness of life, like between the hot sand and the water of the sea. SO were born the feet, dancing, marching or relaxing on the edge between the two colours.

  • Set of 5 Feet Feast #5

    Set of 5 Feet Feast #5

    Oil on canvas

    30cm x 30cm

    The contrasting colours of orange and blue in my palette spoke of the heat and the coolness of life, like between the hot sand and the water of the sea. SO were born the feet, dancing, marching or relaxing on the edge between the two colours.

  • Set of 5 Feet Feast #4

    Set of 5 Feet Feast #4

    Oil on canvas

    30cm x 30cm

    The contrasting colours of orange and blue in my palette spoke of the heat and the coolness of life, like between the hot sand and the water of the sea. SO were born the feet, dancing, marching or relaxing on the edge between the two colours.

  • Set of 5 Feet Feast #3

    Set of 5 Feet Feast #3

    Oil on canvas

    30cm x 30cm

    The contrasting colours of orange and blue in my palette spoke of the heat and the coolness of life, like between the hot sand and the water of the sea. SO were born the feet, dancing, marching or relaxing on the edge between the two colours.

  • Set of 5 Feet Feast #2

    Set of 5 Feet Feast #2

    Oil on canvas

    30cm x 30cm

    The contrasting colours of orange and blue in my palette spoke of the heat and the coolness of life, like between the hot sand and the water of the sea. SO were born the feet, dancing, marching or relaxing on the edge between the two colours.

  • Set of 5 Feet Feast #1

    Set of 5 Feet Feast #1

    Oil on canvas

    30cm x 30cm

    The contrasting colours of orange and blue in my palette spoke of the heat and the coolness of life, like between the hot sand and the water of the sea. SO were born the feet, dancing, marching or relaxing on the edge between the two colours.

  • The Orange Geranium

    The Orange Geranium

    Oil on canvas

    39cm x 44cm

    My passion for geraniums! This one was to be orange in the same environment as the others. How pleasurable it is to paint them!

  • Set of Three Geranium Pots

    Set of Three Geranium Pots

    Oil on canvas

    41cm x 78cm

    Painting these flowers was returning back to a time in my life when I played in my parent’s nursery, putting plants into pots with the workers. Smelling the fresh and clean soil, touching the velvety leaves and the strange hairy roots, all this in the soil and voila, they can grow!

  • Red Geranium on White Background

    Red Geranium on White Background

    Oil on canvas

    40cm x 40cm

    This was a study of contrast between the red and the white while I had the strong desire to paint some geraniums. This reminds me very much of my childhood in Morocco where geraniums were in profusion decorating every corner.

  • Proud White Geranium

    Proud White Geranium

    Oil on canvas

    60cm x 41cm

    Though these flowers are tough, their petals are like any others, soft even velvety. I dream of hundreds of them in a future garden! Here I play with the rays of light within the flower, studying the transparency of these petals.

  • Protected Sister in a Boy’s School

    Protected Sister in a Boy’s School

    Oil on canvas

    72cm x 55cm

    My daughter brought my grand-children to school and while all the children came to stand in line before to entering their classroom, my grand-daughter could not leave her brother to go there alone and went to support him. But what a tribulation to be among all these big boys!