
Top 5 Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of Your Next Massage

“A relaxing massage can help you relieve pent-up tension and renew your mind, body, and soul. Here are some top tips on how to get the most out of your next massage.”

Do not moisturize your skin. It is a good practice to shower just before a massage. During your massage, lotion or oil which may be used may not mix well with your own moisturizer.

Leave out the tan. Sunburned skin becomes tender and irritated, therapists have to work through the skin to reach the muscles. If you do get sunburned, it may be wise to just reschedule with your massage therapist.

Save large meals for later. Your therapy entails rubbing and kneading of tissue and muscles to provide relief of stressed and over-burdened muscles and ligaments. A large meal may make you feel bloated and uncomfortable.

Don’t take pain medication. If you do need to take pain medication, it may be better to reschedule your massage. Pain medication may interfere with your ability to indicate to your massage therapist where you are feeling pain in certain areas of your body.

Empty your bladder. During a massage, a lot of fluid is pushed from your tissues into your bloodstream, then into your liver and kidneys. The last thing you need is to have to use the bathroom halfway through your massage session.

I hope that these few tips will help make your next visit to your therapist an enjoyable experience.