“I write about the healing power of massage therapy, a gift from God; massage therapists bring peace and well-being to the body, mind and spirit of their patients“
“Organic yogurt is made by the bacterial fermentation of dairy milk and though it is not the strongest food rich in Lactobacillus bacteria, it is still very valuable. Yogurt culture is used to ferment lactose, the natural sugar found in…
Health Benefits Of Onions For Ladies
“Common Onion bulbs are probably one of the most cultivated plants on earth. Records found in ancient Middle East show that humans were cultivating onions 7,000 years ago.”
Massage For Lower Back Pain
“Lower back pain can affect people of all ages, this is a common complaint at the doctor’s surgery. This condition can be very painful and may require therapy and a few days of bed rest.”
The Amazing Health Benefits of Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds are prebiotics: a plant-based medium that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. They are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid fiber.
Dietary Tips For A Healthy Lymphatic System
Did you know that changing your diet is one of the best things you can do to assist you in maintaining a healthy lymphatic system? Your lymphatic system consists of vessels, nodes and fluid. Unwanted waste, chemicals, toxic matter and…
Massage Therapy For Babies
“As parents, our babies are one of our most cherished accomplishments in life. You will nurture, protect, guide and teach them to become the best individuals that they can be. From birth babies thrive on touch.”
Massage Treatment For Super Trigger Points
Super Trigger Points (STP’s) are tight areas in your muscle fibers and fascia that cause knots which restrict blood flow to an area resulting in extreme pain if untreated.
Massage For Treatment Of Frozen Shoulder
Did you know, 60-70% of people will deal with a painful shoulder at some time? Research shows: firstly, not all people get a stiff shoulder; and secondly, people are more likely to get a frozen shoulder between the ages of…
Deep Tissue Massage for Whiplash
Whiplash, like the cracking of a whip, is a neck injury caused by vigorous, jerking back-and-forth motion of the neck. This is commonly caused by car crashes, sports accidents, falls, physical abuse and other types of traumas.
Massage Therapy For Treatment Of Snoring And Sleep Apnea
“Snoring and sleep apnea are often caused by underlying physiological factors that may require medical diagnosis and treatment. Going to your conventional doctor for a remedy will most likely develop into an expensive sleep study.”
What is Occipital Neuralgia?
“Occipital Neuralgia, is a condition in which the occipital nerves that run through your neck and scalp are injured, pinched or inflamed. The result is headaches that cause piercing, pulsing, stabbing pain in your upper neck, behind your ears and…
How Massage Aids Skin Rejuvenation
As you age, you will no doubt notice that your skin begins to wrinkle, sag and lose elasticity. Ladies, did you know that regular massage can relax your skin, reduce fine lines and promote a youthful glow?
Massage Therapy For Vagus Nerves
“Vagus nerves, also known as the vagal nerves, are the main nerves of the nervous system. There is one vagus nerve for each side of the body, each of which branch and control specific bodily functions such as digestion, heart…
Massage Therapy For Treatment of Tendonitis
“Tendonitis can occur as a result of a sports injury or overuse of muscles. Common causes of Tendonitis are related to the aging process. With aging, tendons may lose elasticity. Some diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and lupus, may…
What Massage Therapy Can Do For Cold Feet
“Are cold feet a symptom to be concerned about? Cold feet may just be your body’s response to cold weather, but it could also be an indication of circulatory issues that could benefit from massage treatment.”